
First Vacation!
9 1/2 Months Old

Atlantis Resort, Paradise Island, Bahamas
8/17 - 8/22/2000

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click for larger image Hey! Come with me. I'm going on my first vacation to the Atlantis!

click for larger image The resort was just beautiful. Here I am in the pool with Dad at sunset.

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click for larger image Take a look at my favorite place at the resort -- The Dig. It was an ellaborate maze of rooms and corridors depicting the ancient city streets of Atlantis with giant "windows" into the ocean. I loved to see all of the fish. These grouper were bigger than my daddy!

click for larger image I talked Mom, Dad, Grandma, or Grandpa into taking me through The Dig many times a day!

click for larger image Another adventure during my trip was swimming wiht a dolphin! He even gave me a kiss :-)

see more vacation pictures